8 Factors That Increases the Chances of Heart Attack

Shelley B. Hughes
3 min readOct 5, 2021

Here are the 8 factors that increases the chances of heart attacks:

  1. Wrong Dietary Choice: Certain foods are known to promote heart health. They include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, plant proteins, legumes, fish and lean meat. Foods that you should avoid include processed foods, sweetened drinks, refined carbohydrates, sugar, saturated fats, trans fats and sodium. These foods lead to narrowing and hardening of blood vessels, and build up of plague. They are in turn lead to hypertension, obesity and diabetes which have adverse effects to the heart.
  2. Being inactive or lack of exercises: Staying active and engaging in regular exercise is critical in maintaining a healthy heart. It strengthens the heart muscles and improves blood circulation throughout the body. It also lowers the risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol which are both risk factors for heart disease.
  3. Unhealthy body weight: Obesity and being overweight are linked to several risk factors for heart disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, triglyceride levels and high cholesterol levels. If you maintain a healthy body weight, you lower the risk of these conditions and the risk of heart disease. Keep your BMW in check and if need be consult your health specialist on the appropriate body weight. For those overweight, eating fewer calories and physical exercise will help in weight loss.
  4. Smoking: Tobacco has adverse health effects on the body. It raises the risks of heart attack, stroke and blood pressure. Smoking is not beneficial to the body and if you never smoked don’t start. If you experience difficulties quitting, seek professional help.
  5. Alcoholism: Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to high blood pressure. Alcohol also contains a lot of calories which lead to weight gain. For healthy living, you should stick to a maximum of two drinks per day.
  6. Underlying Conditions: These are the risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure and diabetes. It is important to have regular check ups for both diabetes and high blood pressure (Recommended at least annually for healthy adults). Persons with these conditions should also have their conditions monitored by medical specialists and follow the doctor’s recommended lifestyle and habits. Even without any underlying issues, you should have regular medical checks with your doctor. When detected early, certain heart conditions can be easily managed and treated. Regular medical checks will also guide you on healthy lifestyle choices and habits. If you are under any medications, always be true to the doctor’s instructions.
  7. Stress: Excess stress leads to heart attack. In other cases, stress can lead to high blood pressure and other unhealthy habits such as alcoholism, smoking and overeating. It is best to learn a stress management strategy that works best for you. Some people find certain activities good for stress release such as jogging, working out at the gym, swimming, reading, watching movies among others. Whichever way you choose to let out stress, let it be a healthy choice. Progressive stress leads to depression and other mental conditions that affect your health further.
  8. Lack of enough rest and sleep: When you sleep, your heart also gets to relax. Sleep deprivation can lead to certain high risk conditions such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Adults require seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Read the full post at USCPROnline.com.



Shelley B. Hughes

Medical professional at American Training Association for CPR (USCPROnine), in the United States.